finally we are here again !

Makkah Al-Mukarramah !
I could say that this is the 'peace-iest' place ever !
Even you will come it over and over again . :)
You could feel 'something' while you were here .
Even this place crowded with peoples 24/7 .
But with the sight-seeing of Kaabah ...
oso with the sound of people reading the verses of Quran ...
aaaaaa really peace of mind lah !
This time we went after Subuh .
So , it is quite early when we arrived there .
Around 7.45am .
The special about Umrah this time was it not just the two of us .
We go along with Tini & Fifi . They joined us !
Know them thru Fesbuk as Tini was Azman junior in UiTM .
And Fifi was Tini colleague in Jeddah .
So now , we are like family in Jeddah . :)
Once arrived , as usual we did Solah Sunat before started the Umrah .
We started the Umrah with Tawaf by 7 times walked around the Kaabah .
This time rase cam smooth gile !
Kejap je . Less than hour da siap wat Tawaf .
After done the Tawaf , we continued with Solah Sunat near to Multazam ...
and this time , it is quite lucky because i could performed Solah Sunat at Hijr Ismail .
As from what Azman told me , the Hijr Ismail was the original Kaabah once upon a time .
Which mean , who prayed at Hijr Ismail , they prayed inside of Kaabah itself !
Alhamdulillah , i was so hepi thennnnnnnnnnnnnnn !!! :)
Then we continued to Sa'ei which we have to walked 7 times oso from Safa - Marwah .
During Sa'ei pon rase macam kejap gilerrrrr even quite tough .
To those yang penah wat Umrah tahu la macam mane jarak between Safa - Marwah .
That is why in Rukun Islam it is stated Haji bagi yang mampu .
Which is mampu tu from side money and also kesihatan or keuzuran . :)

Aaaaaaa nampak tak macam batu kehijauan kehitaman yang manusia dok diri2 tu ?
For those yang tak penah sampai , ni lah sebahagian dari Bukit Marwah .
Now kan da maju . They cut down part of it and put it as part of in MasjidilHaram .
The place still original . Never change it . Cume potong je la .
Same goes with Bukit Safa but Bukit Safa , they put barrier around it .
So , Muslims just could see it , could not step on it like Bukit Marwah .
After done Sa'ei and Tahalul , finished !
Which mean u already done the Umrah !
Alhamdulillah . :)
Nampak tak like tingkap yang 4 tu ?
Tu la tempat where Bilal melaungkan azan and Imam lead the Solah .
This place really near to Kaabah .
Selesai je sume , ape lagi kan ???
Misi mencarik makanan la . Perot pulak da lapo .
Even pagi tu makan nasi goreng & cekodok that made by them .
But we still looking for food .
This time kami dapat bekpes kat Felda D''Saji - Malaysian Cuisine .
Masing-masing melantak roti canai , teh tarik , teh ais , teh o ais .
Feel like in Malaysia kejap . muahahahahahaha . lol . :P
We tot nak lunch terus but dorang pon served lambat sangat .
So we decided to performed Solah Zuhur dulu .
Abes Solah , kami ingat nak datang balik kat situ makan ...
tapi ....
heh heh heh !
kami dok pusing2 dulu .
yelah cik tini tu nak mencari minyak attar ngan cd utk kanak-kanak .
minyak attar mmg quite tough la sbb kedai-kedai yang kami survey sume mahal gile .
ikotkan nak carik yang botol kecik2 tu .
baru senang nak bawak g semayang . leh simpan dalam poket .
bile da almost give up tu , suddenly jumpe satu kedai ni .
kedai ni kat Al-Safwa Tower tapi tak ingat floor bape .
Memang rezeki la orang cakap .
Kedai tu jual botol2 kecik tu and murah !
It just costed 10 riyal only !
Beli beli jangan tak beli . heh heh heh .
So , sesi memborong minyak attar la !
Giler best beb !
Minyak sume wangi2 . Likat pulak tu . Memang lost lasting la .
Untuk kami , kami amek minyak Kaabah , Raudhah , Sultan , 1000 Bunga , Amira .
Banyak weiiii !
Like minyak Kaabah tu , the smell exactly same macam kain Kaabah !
Wangi like heavennnnnnnn ~
So , tak rugi memborong minyak sebegitu .
Sebab non alcohol . Leh bawak semayang .
Da puas dok bau2 kat kedai minyak attar tu .
Baru kami dok makan tengahari kat Felda balik .
Poyosss je kami2 ni .
Macam la da lame sangat tak makan lauk Malaysia .
Padahal ari2 makan je kat umah . Masak je .
Muahahahahahahaha . :P
Bile da kenyang , baru la balikkkk dengan senang hati !!!!
Lalalaalalalala ~
Eyh jap , nak tunjuk sumthing .
Sape rajin g travel mesti tau kan Big Ben tu ape and kat mane .
And guess what , one day sumthing will defeat record Big Ben as the bigger tower clock !
Let see this !
I took this picture when i passed by at Tawaf .
Could you see the tower clock ?
That tower clock will defeat the Big Ben once it finished construct soon !
Giler takkkk ?
This is what we called : DUNIA DA NAK KIAMAT .
renung2 kan la . selamat beramal & kembali ke jalan yang diredhaiNYA . :)