aaaaaaa patut la jodoh saye bersame HTC or Blackberry takde , ghupenyer jodoh saye bersame CIK 4 ni kot ?
ok . Apple telah membuatkan sumer penggune iphone 3G or 3Gs menggigit jari . mesti yang baru beli Iphone 3Gs lastweek agak kiciwa bile Apple telah innounced yang dorang akan kuar kan iPhone4 by this coming 24th June !
wallaweiiiiiiiiiii . first time tengok pon rase da kagum . the design more to square terus & it slim summore from the previous iPhone .
see ? bak kate slogan terbaru apple . " This changes everything . Again "
aaaaaaaa . hati da meronta bile lagi this iPhone4 leh wat video call . cisss . macam je selalu wat video call kan ? . hahahaha .
then the superb one is the retina display . this is the highest resolution screen ever and ever on a phone . fuhhhhhhh !
furthermore , it is more multitasking ! it give everything on your divided attention without sacrificing performance or battery life . uhhhhhhhhh . :)
last but not least , it has HD video recording ! aaaaaaaa . memang best la . since gune iPhone first model tu pon , sampai sekarang , even da gune for almost 3 years , picture still sharp & cantek compare to other phone . :) . apatah lagi yang ni yang sampai 5 megapixel !
ehem2 . nak wat request la kat my AZMAN . ehem2 .
to biebie :
boleh tak ??? may i have this one ???
namau HTC da or Blackberry .
nak ni jugak . boleh kan ? kan ? kan ?
* sambil2 senyum kambing & taktau malu *
alaaaaaa , boleh laaaaaaa .
* aaaa , i tak pandai la gedik2 nak goda you * :p
ok . tak pon camni .
iPad utk anni tahun depan .
iPhone4 untuk besday tahun depan .
ok tak ???
wakakakakaka . lol .
wawawa... beshh2...s